Sunday, March 16, 2014

Slice of Life - Little Girl Chatter

The month of March means a Slice of Life post every day. I haven't posted every day but am proud of the fact that today I post three days in a row. Progress. :o)
One expectation when joining in on the Slice Challenge is to read and respond to at least three other Slicers. Not only does this practice build community, but it also serves a source of inspiration. I needed some inspiration today as I struggled to figure out what to even write about.
I appreciated several of the posts I read today where other Slicers shared that they, too, were struggling with what to write. There's something soothing about knowing that I'm not the only one struggling to write. Others wrote about the conferences they attended over the weekend. Others shared about simple things going on in their lives - that's when it hit me. I am making this Slice of Life Challenge too difficult on myself. 
The lesson that I learned from my fellow Slicers was to write about what is going on around me. I was searching for theses "deep thought" moments going on around me and they just weren't materializing. I relaxed a bit and just sat and listened.
I heard the sound of my daughter's chatter as she sat "resting" on the couch.
I realized today that I don't slow down enough to do nothing but just listen to her. At this particular moment she was talking for her Frozen dolls, Anna and Elsa. She was making up their conversation rather than taking it as a replay of the movie. Just the sound of my daughter's little voice made my heart swell. I love the sound of her voice; the creativity in the doll conversation; her innocence. I appreciated the fact that just sitting at my laptop preparing to write this Slice gave me a chance to slow down and listen. 
I need to do this more often - just listen to my little girl chatter. 

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