Saturday, November 23, 2013

CELEBRATE! 11/23/13

Discover. Play. Build. 
Ruth Ayres has invited everyone to share a celebration each Saturday. What an amazing opportunity to reflect on all the good that is in life. The celebration can be about anything and in any format. I hope you'll join in!
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Celebrate #1: I'm sitting in front of my computer adding to my blog! Life has been just a bit on the crazy side as I worked through some work transitions. I found myself in a place where I couldn't keep up on being a mother, a wife, or a mentor teacher much less blogging. Today, though, my sister is visiting and my daughter is cuddled up with her for a nap and so I find myself with some quiet time cuddled up in a blanket with my laptop. I so appreciate the time to just sit and reflect and look at the things from my week worth celebrating. 

Celebrate #2: I mentioned above that my sister is visiting. My sister is my friend, my heart. We have not had quality time together for a VERY long time-months, in fact. I appreciate that our schedules were such that we could be together, if only for a couple of days. Sister time is definitely time worth celebrating.

Celebrate #3: I stumbled into some work related "roadblocks" earlier in the week. Things were not such that I wanted to duck and run, but I did find myself missing my life as a full time mentor. I spent quite a bit of time reflecting on what I needed to be doing or saying differently with an administrative team that I report to. But, I did have this nagging thought in my head, "how am I going to keep the projects moving forward under these circumstances?". On Thursday, a team of six of us attending a statewide meeting for districts who had received the same grant funding. My grant administrator carpooled with me and with a two hour drive time, one way, the opportunity presented itself to have a conversation about what had taken place. I had not realized until my conversation with her how much of a weight the "roadblocks" had become to me until my conversation with her - she validated my concerns and in an instant I knew that I had her full support. The weight was suddenly lifted. I celebrate all administrators who listen, coach through conversation, and then do what it takes to support teacher leaders moving forward. 

Celebrate #4: The statewide meeting I attended put me in touch with other districts with the same Collaboration Grant that my district has. I came away from the day with a better sense of my role as the grant manager but, more importantly, I came away with some ideas of how I can support the team leaders of our grant with their teams in moving our grant implementation forward. I left with a sense of excitement for work the next day. Friday, I arrived ready to attack a few projects and left with a sense of accomplishment. I celebrate and appreciate my state's efforts to foster communities of practice - I left Thursday's meeting rejuvenated.

Celebrate #5: My friend sent me a text message at 6:50 a.m. this morning to share the news that she is a National Board Certified Teacher. I could not be more excited or proud of her. Having gone through the NBCT process in 2004 and then the renewal process in 2013, I can attest to the rigor, excitement, anxiety, and thrill of the whole process. Teachers that commit to the NBC process, whether they are certified on the first, second, or third attempt, should be proud of their effort and accomplishment. I found it to be one of things that had the greatest impact on my work as an educator. My friend's National Board news is well worth celebrating! I'm proud of you EI!!!!

As I look at my week ahead of me, I am excited at what is to come: Monday will be spent in Year 2 Mentor PD and Thursday will be spent with family celebrating Thanksgiving. And those are just the events I know about. :o)

What are do you celebrate from this past week?


  1. A full week with many wonderful things to celebrate! ...I love the line, "My sister is my friend, my heart."

    1. Thank you, Loralee! My sister and I were adopted together at the age my daughter is now (nearly 4) so in essence we've always been the ones there for each other. She is pretty amazing & I miss her when we are apart.
      I appreciate you stopping by.

  2. It is a busy time of year - you have a wonderful collection of celebrations.

  3. Your post made me smile. :) Sister time is so important (and so is that quiet time we all crave). It's nice to know that some roadblocks have been shifted too...hopefully that will make life a little easier.
