Monday, March 21, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 3.21.16

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is an opportunity for everyone to share their book journeys: where we've been for the week and where we plan to go next. To learn more about It's Monday! What Are You Reading? with a kidlit focus, jump over to Jen Vincent's blog, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee Moye's blog, Unleashing Readers.

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It's spring break here on the Oregon coast. We started out our break at our local public library. Here's the Vine of our visit today:

I'm spending my break trying to get our house super cleaned, walls painted before new carpet is installed (lofty goal), and get our taxes taken care of. I'm struggling with paint colors - I'm kind of a neutrals person and we have limited access to paint options that don't break the bank. As a family, reading is a big part of what we do...the break just gives us time to begin and end our days in our leisurely manner with books. :)

I misplaced my copy of Circus Mirandus and found it buried under one of the piles I cleaned up. This book is on the priority to finish this break. 

Circus Mirandus

I'm also excited to begin reading books I checked out from the library: Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty and Fake Mustache by Tom Angleberger.
Serafina and the Black Cloak (Serafina, #1)Fake Mustache
I am also in the middle of a couple of professional learning networks in my district that focus on literacy. I'm reading portions of the books that are part of the PLNs this week, too. 

The Reading Strategies Book: Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled ReadersJoyful Literacy Interventions: Early Learning Classroom Essentials

The Reading Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo is a part of a district wide book study that started out as a Facebook post by a good friend of mine. As more and more of our schools are going toward Daily 5 structures, I'm appreciating this book as a resource for what teachers can be teaching to address specific skill needs. Joyful Literacy Interventions by Janet Nadine Mort is the book utilized by our district kindergarten cadre. Our district has adopted an inquiry based model for full day kindergarten and this book addresses the balance between inquiry and explicit literacy instruction. I mentor a 2nd year kindergarten teacher so this helps drive (and helps me better understand early literacy) feedback and support I provide.

It's a busy week, but I'm appreciating the time to enjoy my husband and daughter, clean, organize, read, write, and reflect. 

How about you? What are you reading?


  1. I really love the book cover of Serafina - if only for that alone, I would be sure to pick it up from the library shelves. :)

  2. I am reading Good to Great Teaching by Dr. Mary Howard and Amplify by Katie Muhtaris and Kristin Ziembke.

  3. Ohhh! I'm very curious about Joyful Literacy Interventions! And how the painting and more turned out!
